Frequently asked questions.

Our expert SMSF Auditors are available to you for email advice and consultation both by email (24 hour turnaround) and by Free Calling: 1800 090 091

In what format can our firm send documents ?

Your dedicated Audit Super Australia representative will work with you closely to evaluate the most efficient process suitable for both parties. Documents can be emailed, Drop box, Box, sent via disk, uploaded to firm portal, uploaded to ASA portal.

What reports are issued with Audit Engagements?

Audit Super Australia provides all Partner Firms with template Engagement and Representation Letters that can be issued to SMSF trustees. Upon completion of the SMSF Audit an Audit Report and Management Letter is also issued.

What is the pricing for SMSF Audits?

All of our audits are charged at a Flat fee of $350 + GST regardless of size and number – we anticipate Bulk work from each of our clients and pricing is structured as such. Still, whether you have one audit or 1000 you still receive the same great pricing and service.

What happens in an instance where there is an issue with a client's fund?

Audit Super Australia are experienced in working with firms, trustees and governing bodies.  Any identified issues will be communicated with the trustee, and as part of the audit process reporting an Auditors Contravention Report where required.

What are the turnaround times?

Audit Super Australia has specifically designed ‘state of the art’ software, dedicated expert auditors, experienced support staff and Industry Best Practice processes. This ensures that our turnaround times are amongst the best within the Industry even at peak time. Our lodgement record speaks for itself – none of our Partner firms have ever had a compliance lodgement issue due to being ‘held up in audit’.

Great Choice

Audit Super Australia offers the most comprehensive SMSF Audit service in Australia, Our Client Service, Turnaround Time and Dedicated Technical Support Team sets us apart from our Competitors and makes us your Number One choice for your SMSF Audit needs.

Experienced with a Focus on Efficiency

Over 20 years of combined experience, a dedicated Client Relationship Manager and some of the most advanced SMSF Audit software specifically designed.

You are in Good Hands

Our auditor’s skills and knowledge is vast and experienced.  We also understand that no 2 clients are the same and our auditors are trained to provide clear communication and solutions to your compliance needs.  Our advice is unlimited, and continuous development enables us to provide a consistent and reliable service.

Get In Touch

Fill out your information and we will get in touch with you within 24 hours.

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